[:pt]September 15th,
Dear researcher on Polar Sciences field,
We would like to invite you for the 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference on November 6th and 7th, 2017, which will be hosted at Universidade da Beira Interior – Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua da Calçada Fonte Lameiro, Covilhã, Portugal.
The Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences is the forum where are presented the most recently advances in Portuguese polar projects. It is also a place to delineate new strategies for national and international cooperation.
So, it will be our pleasure to receive your abstract at http://cienciapolar.segal.ubi.pt/index.php/abstract/ until October 8th, 2017.
The guidelines for abstracts´ submission, listed below, must be taken into consideration and so the guidelines for oral and for posters´ communications.
- It is acceptable a maximum of 3 abstracts, but only one as oral communication.
- Abstract´s text and title should be written in English.
- Each abstract´s text field allows you to enter a maximum of 2000 characters, spaces included.
- Oral communications time is 15 minutes (10 minutes for the presentation plus 5 minutes for debate). The presentation must be in English.
- Posters’ communications must be in portrait format (maximum A0 type: 120x80cm) and written in English.
All communications submitted will be analyzed by the Scientific Committee and the participants with abstracts accepted will be notified by an email from the Organization Committee by October 17th, 2017.
For any question contact us through the following emails: cienciapolar2017@segal.ubi.pt or conferencia.polar@propolar.org. You can also get more information about the conference at http://cienciapolar.segal.ubi.pt/.
Kind regards,